Thursday, June 10, 2010

Psycho dog

Anyone who’s owned a dog has many fond memories of all the cute and not so cute activities. In my case, Hunter is 95% a great dog; but the other five percent is off the scale psycho! Be that as it may, there is something endearing about a dog that seems to know when you need assistance. More than once, I have found myself trying to get the attention of my wife or caregiver when they were in another room. While I still speak reasonably clear the volume has diminished considerably. In some way I don’t understand Hunter seems to know they can’t hear me and he jumps off my lap and runs into the other room barking. Maybe he’s not so psycho after all!


  1. I think hunter is 50% rescue dog and 50% Simpson aka psycho!!!

  2. I was looking at getting a horn for my bike - for all those pesky drivers......should i get you one too? :)
