Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Global warming

Ok. I admit it. It’s all my fault. I am the one responsible for global warming. If you remember back a couple of years, scientists were remarking about the increase in temperature around the globe. I find it interesting that this increase in temperature exactly coincides not only with my ALS diagnosis, but one of the side-effects of ALS: an unlimited supply of flatulence.

Make no mistake: you don’t get the nickname Gasius Clay for nothing! And it seems to be a universal phenomenon. No matter what I eat or drink, there is continuous global warming.

My apologies to all.


  1. hahahahahahahaha...and I suppose because youre king, you will get away with it! Where is the justice?!?! :) You crack me up!

  2. best part...they make no noise and sneak up on you like a farty ninja wielding knives of stink.
