Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Growing up, we all had chores to do. When you get married, buy a house, have kids, you still have chores to do. It is my experience the To-do list is never-ending (some correlation with my wife, no doubt).

I thought when I retired from working (I only missed my goal of retiring at 55 by one year; gotta love ALS!) I figured it would be smooth sailing in the chore department. Sit around, watch tv, eat bonbons, and generally make a nuisance of myself. What the hell was I thinking? The to-do list is alive and well. It is a living, breathing monster that needs to be killed at all costs!


  1. Hey there.... I had NOT looked at your Blog in a couple of weeks (sorry, my bad). I'm now caught up.
    Man oh Man.... I love what you're doing with this. It makes me laugh and really makes me think of you and that great sense of humor. Keep 'em coming..... yep, keep 'em coming!

  2. Yeah, you are sitting back & sailing so to speak.... your only chores are to order new movies, watch them, pee, eat, order new movies repeat.

    I guess someones gotta do it. =) love you!!
