Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Remote Control

We males are a simple lot.  We tend to avoid multitasking because we screw up multiple things at once.  We have laser-like focus on one thing at a time, often to the irritation of our wife or girlfriend (hopefully you don’t one of each concurrently!).
And as we all know, ‘‘what’s her’s is her’s and what’s ours is her’s’’...except for the remote.  This is where we draw the line in the sand.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Life is such a wonderful gift and most of us are so wrapped up in trivial matters, we forget to live.  When was the last time you took a walk with a loved one or dear friend?  How long since you hugged someone just because?  I could go on but you get the idea.
Carpe Diem should become a goal.
Rejoice in the simple, for therein dwells life!

Friday, February 25, 2011

More Ladies continued...

Sorry for the lack of postings. It takes quite awhile to type, one letter at a time, with a mouse and virtual keyboard.
This last installment of ‘Ladies’ is dedicated to my dream team: my lovely wife and daughters.
Their ceaseless harassment has engendered a continuos state of fun and light-heartedness that keeps us all upbeat and positive.  I am truly blessed.