Monday, November 29, 2010

More Ladies continued...

We have been very fortunate finding caregivers whose personalities are compatible.

Shirese has stepped into the fray like a long-time friend. Shirese is a single mom and her eight-year-old daughter is a positive fireball.
Shirese also has some unique experience that keeps me on my best behavior: she was an LAPD Police Officer for five years. I keep wondering about handcuffs...

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Ladies continued...

Since February we’ve had help on the weekends from a real character.  Henda is a wonderful addition to the support team.  Immigrating from France about 12 years ago, she has become a Naturalized Citizen.  Henda has a great wit and pulls no punches making sure I get my full ration every weekend.

You might be wondering why weekend support is needed since my lovely bride is available.  My current position on the ALS Adventure Road Map (not available at your local book seller) is the ‘road less traveled’ location, which I think is somewhere between Rock and Hardspot, Arizona.  This vacation venue requires guests to be totally dependent on others for even the simplest events like scratching your ear (caregivers can earn point for style). Guests must also be unable to breathe on their own (points given for coolest decals on the ventilator).
Weekend support allows the Little General to take care of resupply trips, etc. without worrying about my safety; it is all about me after all. ☺